Apr 7, 2020

FIREWOOD UPDATE: 13% increase in firewood sales as people stay home

The provider of the 12-month Firewood Fixed Income Plan, which pays 9% fixed interest rate every quarter, has released an update for the coming season 2020/21.

The sales have increased by 13% in February and March, compared to last year (2019) as people are confined to their homes. The sales volume for the 2020/21 season will increase by 72% as demand grows. 

Over the last 7 years, GG Capital Europe has been providing the 12-month Firewood Fixed Income Plan designed to:

  1. Provide the company with funds to increase sales volumes; and

  2. For those who want to place their savings and capital into a business rather than the stock market

Why does GG Capital need funding to increase sales volumes: As the demand from customers grows, GG Capital needs funds to increase their delivery. Most commodity trading businesses finance their operations and growth through various financing solutions. Some bring on investors, which is a very long and tedious process, others from loans and private placements. 

Together with GG Capital's initial investors, they created a 12-month note (similar to a bond) with a fixed interest being paid every quarter. This allowed their investors to receive a regular steady stream of income without committing their capital for longer than 12 months (renewable). 

Unlike provident funds, pension plans or savings programmes, which require you to contribute over 10 to 25 years, the 12-month Firewood Plan is available to those who want to place their capital into a profitable business supplying necessity goods that is not affected or related to the stock market, which will also earn a steady flow of income on a regular basis. 

Over the last five years, high-income earners such as pilots, captains, surgeons, engineers and others have been placing their savings and retirement capital into the 12-month Firewood Plan. 

Growth in Demand for Firewood

The demand for GG Capital Europe's (GGCE) firewood and other wood products increased by 13% as people are confined to their homes. Firewood is an important heating and power source representing over 30% in nordic countries. As people are staying 24/7 at home, they consume more electricity and heating, which increases the demand for firewood.  

To cope with the growth in demand, GGCE has now started production and collaboration with 3 new manufacturers in Karelia (Russia). Deliveries have already been made to both Sweden and Finland during the current season without any problems. These new manufacturers are primarily intended for the northern parts of the Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian markets in the season 2020/21. 

In September 2019, GGCE signed a new logistics agreement with one of Scandinavia's largest logistics company, Ahola https://www.aholatransport.com/en/. This agreement and collaboration has lowered GGCE's logistics costs and has increased the quality and control over their deliveries significantly.


SWAN ECO Certificate Update

GG Capital Europe (GGCE) has now started the certification process of the Nordic - Swan - Ecolabel for a better sustainable environment https://www.svanen.se/en/tasks-of-nordic-swan-ecolabel/history-of-nordic-swan-ecolabel/

The certification process takes 6 months to complete. Once GGCE obtains the SWAN certification, they will be the first and only supplier of firewood on the Scandinavian market. 

This has already led to greater demand and new requests from several major customers in the Nordic region. In May, GGCE has meetings with the two largest buyers for the Scandinavian market, where they intend to sign new agreements.

"With this Swan certification and our high quality, we are confident that we will achieve more than 72% growth for the 2020/21 season." Mats Grube, Founder and Chairman of GG Capital Europe


Key information about the fixed income plan

  • Term: 12 months with an option to renew​

  • Minimum investment of​ 25,000 EUR / USD / GBP​​

  • 9% annual interest paid directly to your bank account every quarter ​

  • Invests into high quality firewood which is then sold to existing clients in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Israel and the Baltic regions.​

  • US citizens and residents are accepted​

  • Fully insured end-to-end​

  • Insurance documentation and audited statements available upon request​

Contact us at info@crewinvest.net to receive the 12-month Firewood Fixed Income Plan factsheet.