Most professionals who are retired, face a challenge of how to make sure their retirement funds will be enough to secure a comfortable retirement. When the paycheck stops – the only income you will have is from your pension fund.
Are you sure your retirement nest egg is enough to last you? This depends on many factors, such as where you live and how healthy you will be as you age. And most challenging of all – How long will you live?
What will your cost of living be – Rule of Thumb
The general rule of thumb is that you will need 70 to 80 percent of your pre-retirement income after you finish working. Some retirement experts even say 100 percent is needed for the next 10 years after you stop working because spending does not really slow down in early retirement. Many newly retired, ramp up travelling and leisure activities that they would normally not have time for.
This means that for a professional who earns a minimum of $100,000 per year, they will need $1,000,000 just in the first 10 years.
Will your nest egg last as long as you will?
Many people don’t consider longevity when they set savings goals. Life expectancy today is much longer than it was 20 or 30 years ago. A healthy middle-class couple today at 65, has a 43 percent chance that one or both partners will live until 93 years old. Let’s not forget medical expenses. As we grow older and with the environment around us deteriorating, the need for healthcare is growing and so are it’s costs.
Make your savings generate enough cash
The 12-month plans provide you with a 12% annual income paid every 3 months directly into your bank account.
These plans invest directly into operating trading companies, as opposed to stocks and bonds and are not impacted by the markets ups and downs.
You can select between the Firewood and Diamond Trading plans.
12-month Swiss-Based Diamond Trade Plan
This is a 12 month plan with the option to renew.
The plan pays a 12% yearly interest, every 3 months directly to your bank account.
This invests into raw diamonds, which are sold to existing wholesale clients worldwide.
The plan is operated by a Swiss based company and comes under Swiss regulations.
The investment is fully insured. Insurance documents are available
US citizens are eligible
12-month Firewood Trade Plan
This is a 12 month plan with the option to renew.
Interest: 12% per year paid out every 3 months directly to your bank account
Invests into high quality firewood which is then sold to existing clients in Scandinavia such as Shell.
US citizens are eligible
Fully insured end-to-end
Insurance documentation and audited statements available upon request
Contact us at info@crewinvest.net to receive the factsheet which explains how it works and how it is guaranteed.
All the experience we’ve accumulated over the years has meant our service has evolved to specifically suit aircrew and their needs. From setting up offshore bank accounts for your tax-free proceeds, to providing exceptional access to investments usually reserved solely for financial institutions.
Get in touch with us to see how we can help you create financial security.