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GG Capital's sales have increased by over 70% for 2021/2022 season

British Airways Photograph: Simon Dawson/Reuters

GG Capital Europe, a Swiss and Estonian based company, is the first and only Swan ( certified supplier in Scandinavia.

This year, GG Capital has seen a strong increase in demand from existing customers, which exceeded their expectations. This has been driven by climate change, customers seeking to work only with 100% sustainable suppliers, high energy prices and shortages around Europe, also very early and cold winter forecasts.

"We are going totally green - leading the way in delivering green sustainable firewood for the future"

GG Capital Europe, a Swiss and Estonian based company, is the first and only Swan ( certified supplier in Scandinavia.

This year, GG Capital has seen a strong increase in demand from existing customers, which exceeded their expectations. This has been driven by climate change, customers seeking to work only with 100% sustainable suppliers, high energy prices and shortages around Europe, also very early and cold winter forecasts.

Extreme frosts will hit Sweden and Finland very quickly. Winter in Scandinavia and the Baltics should begin prematurely with extremely cold conditions and heavy frosts. Close to -30 degrees are forecasted according to (click here to read the article).

Wholesalers such as Shell, Coop and BYGGMAX want to make sure they have enough firewood and wood products on the shelves to last the entire season as the world is turning to firewood more than ever.

Firewood suppliers across Australia are scrambling to keep up with demand amid fears stock could run out entirely before the end of winter.

In the UK, due to spikes in gas prices by 500% this year, people are rushing to buy logs and stoves for this upcoming winter. Wood fuel companies have reported a 40% jump in sales since last year (click here to read the article).

Investment opportunity, don’t miss it

GG Capital over the last 8 years have been funding their growth and capacity to meet the customers demand through the 12-month Fixed Income Note.

The 12-month Fixed Income pays 10% interest per year. The interest is paid out every quarter directly to your bank account. After 12-months you can redeem your capital or stay in for another year at the same rate.

The advantages of placing your funds with GG Capital are:

  • The 12-months Fixed Income has been operating for over 8 years

  • Very short term

  • Regular fixed income

  • Not affected by stock/bond market volatility

  • An on-going profitable trading businesses

  • A niche profitable industry worth €624bn (will reach €866bn by 2025)

  • Sustainable and green supplier

  • Leading supplier of Firewood to the Finish market

To receive the factsheet please click here or mail us at


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